EVE Online UI (User Interface) is a complex structure that exists from many dedicated objects, each of them is a child of another one. This is a tree-oriented data structure. For getting data from the game, and make any actions or calculations you should get the right data first. For this purpose UI Request language […]
Author: Master
The best EVE Online bot
EVE UI Hierarchy Viewer
When you want to customize or create your own bot, UI Hierarchy Viewer will help you a lot. App works with data from EVE Online client, that data are similar to folders and files on your PC. But just called “UI Element”, each UI Element can contain other UI Elements, this creates a hierarchical structure. […]

Loop node provides the ability to repeat execution on dedicated nodes group multiple times. Let’s imagine a scenario where you need to jump to 6 different asteroid belts and make a bookmark on each one. In general, you should create many equals nodes in long construction like this. But with the Loop node, you can […]
Rich Text
You can use rich text tags to alter the appearance and layout of your text. These tags work like HTML or XML tags but have less strict syntax. A tag looks like <tag>. Many tags operate on a scope, which you can end with </tag>. Such scopes can be nested, and you don’t have to close them […]
BOT Architecture Patterns

Architecture of node design is important part to make your bot flexible and easy scalable for adding new features and cover more scenarios. There are two primary patterns each of them has pros and cons. Let’s dive deeper into it. Linear Pattern The most simple and intuitive pattern. Execution flow goes forward from left to […]